TUT4064 - Rhodesia and Nyasaland - Waterlow Colour-Corrected Plate Proofs

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TUT4064 - Rhodesia and Nyasaland - Waterlow Colour-Corrected Plate Proofs

Rhodesia and Nyasaland, 1954-56, SG(13)
UNIQUE: Stanley Gibbons doesn't say so - their 'biblically' important 'Part 1' British Empire and Commonwealth catalogue states otherwise (1954-56), but was there a 2nd printing of the commonly used 5/- violet and olive-green? Variously described as 'printer's samples', otherwise as Waterlow Recess printed Plate Proofs significantly 3 to 4 years later dated signed 8/5/57 J.G.Bignell (?) colour correct (red-ringed highlighted imperfection) imperforate part-panes of the lower 2 rows (2 down 10 across) plus marginal selvedge, Imprint to finished bi-colour proofs, produced upon gummed unwatermarked paper, neatly security punched as usual. Printer annotated quantity suggests sheets of 120 stamps produced in 2 panes of 6 rows of 10 stamps. The 'Vignette' plate (2 imperfections highlighted) similarly signed 21/2/58 within living memory suggesting 750 pulls of 120 stamps in 2 panes of 60. Negligible imperfections EXHIBITION Status. Unique. RARE (UPA CERTIFICATE)


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