Lot 24128 : Rhodesia

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Lot 24128 : Rhodesia
Rhodesia : Balance collection on SG Imperial album pages entirely used in mixed condition with some fiscal cancels evident, Incls: 1892 1d to 10/- SG1-9. ½d-4/- SG18-23 & 26. 1895 2d & 4d SG27-28. 1897 set of 8 £1 fiscal, SG66-73. 1898 to 10/- & £2-. 1909 Rhodesia ovpt ½d- 3/- 7/6d & 10/-. Surch set of 4 SG114-18. Double Head ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d & 6d. Cat £600 (64).{CC}